April 2021 Issue: Interprofessional Issue
For the April 2021 Issue of The Synapse, we wanted to open submissions to all schools and colleges within the Texas A&M Health Science Center, just like we did last year. An interprofessional issue allows us to highlight the vast creativity at A&M, while building unity in our collective experience as health professional students. We hope you enjoy these pieces as much as we did.
Background photo by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz
Scientists: Laughter Causes Burnout in Medical School
Background photo by Rian Adi
A Peaceful Place
Background photo by Thomas Rey
What better choice during quarantine, than to adopt a pet?
Background photo by Camylla Battani
Background photo by National Cancer Institute
Interprofessional Leadership: Brief Encounters with a Lasting Impact
Background photo by Shane Rounce
Background photo by Thomas Bormans
The Imperfect Preceptor and the Imperfect Student
Background photo by Siora Photography
Four Art Pieces
Background photo by Rhonda K.
On Taking a Patient History: When Determination Leads to Illness
Background photo by Rafael De Nadai
Aggie Doc
Background photo by. Greg Rakozy
The First Line of Defense
Background photo by Fusion Medical
The Gap
Background photo by Kristopher Roller
The Repurposing of Oneself for Others
Background image by Pablo Heimplatz
*Accompanying artwork/photographs were selected by the design editors
Synapse Board Members
Thomas Nguyen Chairman
Rahul Tharoor Acquisitions Editor Jordan Garcia Senior Columnist Brianna Covin Senior Copy Editor Ahad Azimuddin Senior Copy Editor Alexandra Powell Senior Copy Editor Roger Garcia Copy Editor
Lena Ayari Managing Editor
Sarah Elmer Senior Staff Writer Darby Ballard Staff Writer Cerci Hammons Senior Design Editor Ksenia Vlassova Design Editor Christian Encarnacion Senior Social Media Manager Minhal Zaidi Social Media Manager
submit to us!
Share your work with the Texas A&M medical school
community. Please email us at COM-synapse@tamhsc.edu to submit work, make suggestions, or ask questions. We
are looking forward to hearing from you!
thank you:
A special thanks to ...
Dr. Karen Wakefield for being our faculty editor, and
Dr. Barbara Gastel for serving as editorial mentor.
The Synapse is sponsored by the Department of Humanities in Medicine at the Texas A&M University College of Medicine.