December 2022 Issue
Prompt: "Transitions"
Transitions are tough. While moving on from one thing to another can be exciting and an opportunity for growth, it can also be scary to step into something new and leave the comfort of routine and familiarity. What big transitions have you gone through in your life? How did you feel about them before, and what have you learned from them after?
The End of an Era
Background photo by Amine R
How The Sky Unfurls
Background photo by Nick Scheerbart
I love what I have created here
Background photo by Joshua Hoehne
home, in bones
Background photo by Yana Hurskaya
Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge
Background photo by Alexander Grey
Lean Into the Unknown
Background photo by Noah Grossenbacher
Breaking in My Shoes
Background photo from NordWood Themes
The Exquisite Tenderness of Waiting
Background photo by Nathan Dumlao
Brave the Unfamiliar
Background photo by Joan Kwamboka
*Accompanying artwork/photographs were selected by the design editors
Synapse Board Members
Thomas Nguyen Chairman
Rahul Tharoor Senior Acquisitions Editor Matthew Anaya Acquisitions Editor Ahad Azimuddin Senior Copy Editor Alexandra Powell Senior Copy Editor Roger Garcia Senior Copy Editor Arthi Tarugu Copy Editor Amelia Khoo Copy Editor
Lena Ayari Managing Editor
Sarah Elmer Senior Staff Writer Cerci Hammons Senior Design Editor Ksenia Vlassova Senior Design Editor Nicholas Tan Graphic Designer Christian Encarnacion Senior Social Media Manager Sunitha Konatham Social Media Manager
submit to us!
Share your work with the Texas A&M medical school
community. Please email us at to submit work, make suggestions, or ask questions. We
are looking forward to hearing from you!
thank you:
A special thanks to ...
Dr. Karen Wakefield for being our faculty editor, and
Dr. Barbara Gastel for serving as editorial mentor.
The Synapse is sponsored by the Department of Humanities in Medicine at the Texas A&M University School of Medicine.