January 2025 Issue

Prompt: Gratitude, Hope, and Community This time of year reminds us to honor the profound connections that sustain us — between caregivers and patients, mentors and mentees, colleagues and communities, family and friends. Medicine, with all its challenges and triumphs, is a profession that embodies gratitude, hope, and community. We invite you to join us in reflecting on how gratitude has grounded you, hope has uplifted you, and community has empowered you. Whether it's a personal narrative, a tribute to someone who's made a difference, or a vision for a brighter future, your voice matters in this season of reflection and renewal.


Bear Witness

Background photo by Hermes Rivera

The 3 a.m. Wakeup Call

Background photo by Joshua Taylor

The Medical Student

Background photo by Robina Weermeijer

All of a Sudden

Background photo by Skye Studios

An ADAPTation in Education

Background photo by Alexander Gray

Thankfulness as Therapy

Background photo by Renáta-Adrienn

Falling Forward

Background photo by Aditya Romansa


Background photo by AltumCode

Movies and Medicine

Background photo by Ajeet Mestry


*Some accompanying images were selected by the design editors.

Synapse Board Members


Sunitha Konatham Senior Editor-in-Chief Roshini Thiagarajan Editor-in-Chief Sara Montoya Acquisitions Editor Divya Gupta Acquisitions Editor Isaac Montgomery Copy Editor Abigail Bauder Copy Editor Mihai Cipleu Design Editor Nicole Petit Design Editor

Rishi Ramesh Managing Editor Vy Dang Senior Copy Editor Paul Oancea Senior Staff Writer Anokhi Kholwadwala Staff Writer Michael Boulis Staff Writer Nabeeha Qazi Social/ Media Manager


submit to us!

Share your work with the Texas A&M medical school
community via the link above. Please email us at COM-synapse@tamhsc.edu to make suggestions, or ask questions. We
are looking forward to hearing from you!

thank you:

A special thanks to ... 
Dr. Karen Wakefield for being our faculty editor, and
Dr. Barbara Gastel for serving as editorial mentor.


The Synapse is sponsored by the Department of Humanities in Medicine at the Texas A&M University College of Medicine.